SDMM will maximize your land’s potential by designing to gain the most value while carrying through your vision and still meeting today’s standards.
Here at SDMM we understand the importance of maximizing your land’s potential by designing subdivisions to gain the most value while carrying through your vision and still meeting today’s standards. Our experience includes starting with a raw piece of land to certifying your last parcel upon construction to get your subdivision approved. We are here to assist you every step of the way.
Our Subdivision Services include:
- Concept Subdivision Plans
- Development Agreement Servicing and Grading Schematics
- Tentative Subdivision Plans
- Subdivision Drainage Plans
- Stormwater Management Plans
- Stormwater System Design
- Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plans
- Preliminary and Detailed Street Design
- Municipal Water Main, Sanitary and Storm Sewer Design
- Sanitary Sewer Pumping Station Investigation, Assessment & Design
- Subdivision Grading Plans
- Sanitary and Storm Sewer Inventories
- Civil Design Construction Cost Estimates
- Tender Documents Preparation and Evaluation
- Subdivision On-Site Sewage System Master Plans
- Land Based Sewage Treatment
- NSE Application for Approvals – On-site septic and public sewer extensions
- Earthwork Volume Calculations
- Traffic Impact Analysis
- Power and Communications Infrastructure Layout Design
- Building Site infrastructure Condition Assessments
- Full time Inspection Services
- Contract Administration
- As-Built Field Data Collection
- Record Drawing Preparation and Certification
- Detailed Construction Cost Certification
- Halifax Water Services Digital File Preparation
- Water and Sewer Services Testing Verification and Certification
- Service, Main & Hydrant Valve Card Preparation
- NSE Letters of Certification
- Halifax Water Letters of Certification
- HRM Letters of Certification