The Current Conditions Conundrum

Owners and their Consultancies spend valuable time designing and creating detailed plans for new construction projects. And, despite our best intentions, we all know that nothing goes according to plan.

The Current Conditions Conundrum

Owners and their Consultancies spend valuable time designing and creating detailed plans for new construction projects. And, despite our best intentions, we all know that nothing goes according to plan. During construction things get messy and usually don’t go the way the designer intended. Things get changed and critical information often goes unrecorded. In the case of older buildings, as-built documentation can be woefully outdated, impossible to find, or non-existent. Without it, a design that relies on incomplete or inaccurate information encounters issues that become inadvertently “designed in”. These issues can remain invisible until the construction phase, when they are very expensive and time consuming to fix.

Laser Scanning and 3D Imaging Saves Time and Money

In today's world, projects need to be executed with speed and precision which is why it’s essential to start with accurate, up-to-date information. An as-built drawing or model derived from reality data that directly reflects the current conditions of a building or site is key to starting a project off on the right footing. The status quo of measuring spaces manually, taking a handful of pictures, and making unnecessary assumptions is error-prone and just doesn’t cut it anymore. Laser scanning is the new industry standard for capturing everything in 3D space with unparalleled speed and detail making it the best choice for creating as-built drawings and models. Its ability to deliver accurate, 3D data of everything on site in true colour gives you a perspective of real-world conditions that was previously impossible to experience. It allows you to visualize an environment and take measurements that are difficult to get in real life like pipes, trusses, and beams in the ceiling. This makes complex design alternatives easier to understand and explain. The ability to model directly to the resulting point cloud in a CAD system removes all the guesswork, drastically reducing errors and omissions, saving time, and de-risking construction projects. If you start accurate, you will stay accurate.

Peace of Mind

Let us help you understand the practicalities and benefits of our Reality Capture Services and know that you are getting optimized processes and proven workflows that were developed through practice over time. Experience the positive impact a thorough 3D measured survey can have on de-risking your project.